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Juice Fasting Plan For 30 Days.

Juice Fasting Plan For 30 Days.

Juice Fasting has been circulating on social media for a couple of years now. Its exponent state that, it’s a breakthrough way to lose weight. well, that could be true but before we get there let have a look at the meaning of juice fasting.

Juice Fasting

Juice fasting, also known as detoxing entails consuming juices from fruits and vegetables for a period of time. Juice fasts can be as short as 24 hours or as long as 10 days.

Juicing takes the pulp out of fruits or vegetables with a juicer unlike blending where the pulp is mixed with the fruit.

A well-designed juice cleanse can help you reach your health goals, whether you want to lose weight, detoxify or reduce your risk of disease.

According to MyPlate (the current nutrition guide published by the United States Department of Agriculture or USDA), any 100 percent vegetable juice or fruit juice counts as a member of the vegetable or juice group


Prepare for the Fast. Before detoxing, you should prepare your body and mind because If you proceed right into your fast from an unhealthy diet, you may feel sick from the detox symptoms.

Aim to drink a fixed amount of juice per day. During a juice fast, you should aim to drink at least six 16-ounce servings of juice.

Plan your fruits and veggies(Recipes)

Bananas are one of the best fruit sources of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 from bananas is easily absorbed by your body and a medium-sized banana can provide about a quarter of your daily vitamin B6 needs. Potassium in bananas is also good for your heart health and blood pressure

Green Apples –reduces inflammation, lowers cholesterol, and increases energy

Ginger – aids in digestion, reduces pain, improves the immune system

Cucumber – lowers blood pressure, promotes healthy skin, prevents some forms of cancer

Avoid strenuous physical activity.

Strenuous activities include swimming laps, aerobics, calisthenics, running, jogging, basketball, cycling on hills.

Read labels on packaged juices.

Always read ingredients and sugar content if you buy packaged juice. For example, Green Machine contains a whopping 53 grams of sugar in a 15.2-ounce bottle

Drink it immediately.

While preparing your juice oxygen exposure can lower a freshly squeezed juice’s nutrient content. If you make your own juice or buy one from a store, drink it as soon as you can. If not, store it in an airtight container or fridge.


Benefits of Juice Fasting.

The Dangers Of Juice Fasting

The «Detox» Does Not Exist
In fact, the premise of juice fasting is scientifically false. Your body does not receive any «detoxing» when you fast. You don’t need any fasts to get rid of toxins. The body does it on its own. There are detoxifying enzymes in the liver that break down alcohol and other drugs, and the kidneys handle water-soluble toxins.

Juice Fasts Are Extremely Low In Protein
Many juice fasts and liquid diets require no consumption of protein whatsoever or have very low amounts of it. People need a daily supply of protein to build healthy immune cells and regenerate muscle if they’re physically active. Besides, proteins reduce appetite and hunger levels, strengthen your bones, boost metabolism, and help lose weight (3, 5, 6).

Fruits and vegetables contain only small traces of protein, for instance:

It is most definitely not going to cut it, because the average person needs about 0.8g per kilo of body weight as a daily protein intake. If you’re following a juice fast, you won’t even meet a necessary minimum. And while it’s not likely to cause any irreversible harm if your fast lasts 3 days, 30 days of fasting will have detrimental effects on your health.

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Juice Fasts Exclude Fiber

Up to 90% of the fiber is removed by juicing while fiber is considered to be essential for normal body functioning and steady weight loss.

The benefits of fiber include:

Thus, almost the entire exclusion of fiber is unnecessary and harmful for your organism.

Too Few Calories

Depending on which cleanse a person chooses to do, and how many glasses of juice they drink, the calories that a person winds up consuming daily can range from about 800 to 1,200 calories. If done for 10 days, the low-calorie intake that comes with doing an intense cleanse could send the body into starvation mode, meaning it will try to conserve calories by slowing down metabolism, because the body is unsure when it will be fed again.

Thus, instead of boosting metabolism, a 30-day juice fast will grind it to a halt, which means you’ll regain all the lost weight and maybe even more shortly afterward. Weight loss after a 30-day juice fast will, unfortunately, be short-lived.

You Might Experience A Bunch Of Side Effects
While following a juice-only diet, people often experience side effects such as headaches, fatigue, inability to focus, moodiness, stomach pain, and hunger pangs. Also, juice-only diets are a bad idea for people with diabetes who may be on medication that regulates insulin activity. Drinking so much juice could lead to unstable blood sugar levels.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as people with compromised immune systems or weak heart, liver, or kidney disease, should also avoid juice cleanses.

Too Much Sugar

Consuming too much fructose, one of the naturally occurring sugars in fruit, has been connected to high blood sugar, weight gain, and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes (14).

About one cup (250 ml) of 100% apple juice contains less than 1 gram of fiber but packs 25 grams of sugar and 126 calories.

In a similar vein, 100% grape juice has 37 grams of sugar in a 250 ml serving.

In fact, it is not recommended to consume more than one serving of juice or smoothies each day, since they have a higher sugar content which could damage your dental health.


Juiced fruits and vegetables don’t have protein, fiber, and many important nutrients your body needs. check with your doctor before changing your diet for a couple of days.